Subscription FAQ

What's on offer?

We offer two types of yearly subscription for individuals - one print subscription which includes the digital version and a digital only subscription. We offer a separate subscription system for organisations - Please contact us for more information.

How does an individual subscription work?

A subscription lasts for one year from the time of purchase. This means you will get the current issue and the next 3 issues of JCPCP as the journal is printed quarterly. For the print and digital version, you will receive the latest hard copy of JCPCP in the post and a digital version in pdf format via email. You would only recieve the digital version with a digital only subscription.

How does payment work?

Payment is taken via Paypal. We use the email and postal address supplied as part of the transaction to send out your copy of JCPCP. If you want to use a different postal address or email then please let us know.

Do I get anything else as part of my subscription?

Yes - digital access to full-text versions of papers published from 2019 onwards. Currently, this works via a weblink that we supply via email.

What happens to my contact details?

We only use them to send out your print and digital copy of JCPCP and will delete them once your subscription ends. We are registered with the ICO.

How do I renew a subscription?

You will need to purchase one again at the end of your subscription period. We will send you a reminder email when this happens.

How do I get access to past papers?

You will need to subscribe in order to access full-text papers from 2019 onwards. Earlier years are free to access from our website for anyone with an internet connection: Please note this is a work in progress and more issues will be added over time. We also have a search function at the article level accessible here: Article Search.

Can I get a print copy of the latest issue?

Yes. JCPCP is printed each quarter at Lemonade Press and sent out to those with print level subscriptions.

Can I buy print copies of single back issues?

Possibly. Please write to us for more information and we will try and help.

Why is JCPCP not digital only?

JCPCP has always been printed and we are reluctant to stop. One of the problems with being fully digital is future software compatibility. Another is that paper can take years to rot unlike corrupted computer files and is nicer to read than a screen. A large enough electro magnetic pulse will also destroy everything digital.

What about the environment?

Our print runs are very small and the paper version of JCPCP is recyclable.

Why doesn't JCPCP have a DOI number?

DOI's cost money and are primarily about archiving and providing a permanent digital home for a paper. This website is designed to be permanent and one of its functions is to act as an accessible archive for JCPCP. There is also an increasing problem around censorship on the internet and our concern is that DOI's may make this process easier. All of this, however, does not completely remove the need for a DOI so it is something we may explore in the future.