Finnledoo front cover

Cats, Water & Concrete (Paperback)

Ruth and Ken Snowden (illustrations by Ken Snowden)

102 pages / published 18.05.21

15 GBP (includes free postage worldwide)


This collection of poetry, prose and illustrations is about lots of things, but mainly about living alongside working. It is also about the intriguing lives of cats.

Ruth Snowden also writes about how she discovered engineering. It was never about lasers, skyscrapers or fast cars but began in the mountains of the Andes...


  • Ruth Snowden Ruth is a working Civil Engineer. She is a firm believer that there is poetry in the everyday world and hopes that her poems, prose and stories show you where to find it.

  • Ken Snowden Ken is retired from the world of work. He lives in his native Yorkshire where the kettle is always boiled and a notebook is nearby



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